
About Us

Passion in environment and forestry


“We built Koperasi Produsen Anugerah Bumi Hijau (KOPRABUH) in 2006, make Guinness World Record of most populated trees planted in 2016”

Unlocking the value Of Nature


Mission Statement

Place the worlds threatened Natural Capital, into a Global Economic Perspective with the expressed purpose of developing a perpetual Global asset. Build a Platform and Economic Model to Actualize the Value of Natural Capital to incentivize Preservation and Conservation over Exploitation of Indigenous Culture and Their Natural Capital ASSETS.

Vision Statement

The right of all people : Every person shall enjoy equality, have the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to have a home, enjoy a good and healthy environment, shall have the right to obtain medical care and have equal access to education and housing.



Create a forum for the community and a source of information about activities related to Natural Capital for visitors who have the potential to be part of the community or as donors or for members Create a forum for the community and sources of information about activities related to Natural Capital for visitors who have the potential to be part of the community or as donors or for members Any information inputted into The website, must have energy or influence points of view that reflect the characteristics of each cluster that contains elements, educative, informative and interesting.


Passion in environment and forestry, we built Koperasi Produsen Anugerah Bumi Hijau (KOPRABUH) in 2006, make Guiness World Record of most populated trees planted in 2016.